Monday, May 4, 2009

MMSEA Reporting Deadlines

Posted by Marlene Wilson

I am confused as to the reporting deadlines. After reading the guide and several articles on this subject, including some of the posts on this blog, I am under the impression that an RRE will submit information regarding claimants/beneficiaries and the potential and/or ongoing litigation on the scheduled quarterly basis; however, if and once an actual settlement/payment/judgment/award is reached and/or made, the RRE should immediately report same regardless of the next quarterly file submission. In other words, it would not make sense from a settlement standpoint to reach a settlement and then wait anywhere from a month to four months, depending on how far out the next quarterly submission date comes, before reporting the settlement because that would just be 1-4 more months that the claimant would have to wait for the final demand letter. Can you confirm that the RRE should immediately report the settlement/judgment/award/payment rather than waiting to include same on the next quarterly file submission?

-Louisiana Attorney

There is a seven day reporting period in each quarter when an RRE can submit claims information on Medicare eligible claimants. That is the only time that a submission can be made. When you reach a settlement, you will report that settlement during your next quarterly submission. You do not need to report a potential claim.

You can submit a query to determine whether the claimant is Medicare eligible once a month. The fact that you submit a query does not mean that you are obligated to include that claimant in a subsequent reporting of claims.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

-Marlene Wilson